Some lines in selling are simply golden.
They open doors and minds. They make people feel good. They refute the myth that being completely unscripted is a virtue in selling. I'm going to share one with you, right now, but before I do, I want you to promise that you’ll tell me how well it works for you. Call someone, mention your name and your company, and then add this line: “And the reason I'm calling is I have a little problem on my hands and I was hoping you might help me out." Then, say nothing--not a peep. You're likely to hear, "Well I don't know if I can, but I'll try!" An astonishing percentage of the time helping you is exactly what people do. We have this idea that folks are hostile and cloistered, but they’re willing to be friendly and open. Cooperation is ours, just for the asking. I'm going to leave you with this gem. It has made a ton of money for my clients, including in an outbound campaign we started two weeks ago. Let me know how you do with it! Like this idea? It is from Dr. Gary S. Goodman’s new book, Meta Selling: Helping People To Buy A New and Better Way. This article was originally published on LinkedIn: Comments are closed.
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