DR. GARY S. GOODMAN IS IN HIGH SPIRITS ABOUT LAUNCHING HIS 26TH BOOK, SLEEP & GROW RICH.BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Oct. 1, 2020 - PRLog* -- "Sleep is fun to kid about," Dr. Gary S. Goodman says, pointing to his favorite "testimonial" for his new book, Sleep & Grow Rich:
"Wish I had this book 23,055,416,777,361,723 winks ago!" –Rip Van Winkle But there is a very serious side to sleeping, and especially to missing our shuteye that Dr. Gary says isn't anything to be cute about. As a society, we're incredibly sleep-deprived. And it's costing us a fortune. "There are more car accidents caused by drowsy drivers than by drunk drivers," he says in the book. "Accidents on the job are also largely attributable to the effects of sleeplessness," he points out, citing Canadian research. Worse, we live in a culture that lionizes folks that sacrifice their sleep. You've probably heard that quip, "There's plenty of time to sleep after I'm dead." Researchers tell us we die sooner by losing sleep, so the "savings" we seem to be gaining on one end are given back on the other end of the hourglass. Goodman says modern day billionaires such as Amazon's Jeff Bezos cite the centrality of sleep to their success. Quoting him and others, the author says the idea of pulling lots all-nighters may be a badge of honor for edgy college undergrads, but it is a path to poverty and perennial grumpiness. What about geniuses such as Edison who is said to have, "Never slept?" "That's baloney," the author says. "Edison was a tremendous sleeper. He used his sleep to refresh and incubate ideas. He took a zillion naps which is a testament to being able to nod-off and nod-on at will." Goodman also says dreaming is a very important contributor to success. Einstein had a famous dream he was riding on a beam of light, which led to the development of Relativity Theory. "Plus, Einstein died rich, as did Edison." Citing a nightmare he had when doing business in a distant city, Goodman awoke to devise a brilliant new protocol for training his clients. That innovation, alone, was worth millions of dollars. In one chapter, the author says, "Your employer is not your sleep's friend." By compelling people to work longer hours bosses are depriving employees of a proper mental state in which to be productive. "Hopefully, this will change as more people work remotely," Goodman says. Asked to sum-up his book, Goodman smiles: "I hope it puts you to sleep!" For Additional Information, contact: Dr. Gary S. Goodman, [email protected], (818) 970-GARY (4279) * Reposted from: https://www.idownloadblog.com/2020/04/15/keyboard-shortcuts-for-chrome-mac/ PRZen / NEW YORK -- New York – G&D Media announces the release of seven new paperbacks by author and motivational speaker Dr. Gary S. Goodman. These books are:
"We are thrilled to be partnering with Gary on this exciting series of his original books that will change your lives and help you achieve the successes that you finally deserve," said G&D Media CEO Gilles Dana. "In each title, Gary will show you how to remove any barriers you need to achieve your goals of health, wealth, clear communications, love, happiness, interpersonal skills, successes, and more." Stinkin' Thinkin': 37 Mental Mistakes, False Beliefs & Superstitions That Can Ruin Your Career & Your Life Most people lose friends, happiness, and career opportunities because they employ inadequate thinking skills and allow biases, false beliefs, and superstitions to govern their behavior. Even highly skilled professionals such as physicians and attorneys are not immune from bad thinking and runaway emotions. They can cost their clients fortunes and even their lives through poor advice and misdiagnoses. This unique program will help you to:
Stiff Them!: Your Guide to Paying Zero Dollars to the IRS, Student Loans, Credit Cards, Medical Bills, and More Stiff Them! is a practical guide to paying ZERO dollars on your student loans, credit cards, medical debts and other financial obligations. Read it before you make another minimum payment or communicate with any debt collectors. It is your cure for "wrongful spending" and for "wrongful lending!" Are you, or someone you love:
Then this book is for you… Stiff Them! helps you to:
Inch By Inch It's A Cinch: How to Accomplish Anything, One Small Step at A Time In Inch By Inch It's A Cinch, Gary breaks down the process of achieving anything into manageable strides, whether it is cultivating a new relationship, building a business, or earning a Ph.D. from a prestigious university. Filled with real-life success stories, his own and others, you'll be able to relate to his down-to-earth explanations, fun sense of humor, and instantly usable tips. Now, with his crystal-clear advice you'll be able to:
Gary shows you how to make genuine progress in the most critical areas and achieve the results you want – one easy step at a time! Meta Selling: Helping People to Buy a New & Better Way Everybody wants to be a super salesperson – to be incredibly persuasive in their business and personal life. But nobody wants to seem like the sales stereotype: a scammer, carnival barker or pest. In this breakthrough book, Gary shows you how to do the impossible, to sell without selling the conventional, rejection-filled way. You'll learn:
Meta Selling is truly a new and better way to persuade and to prosper, one that will empower you to capably control conversations while earning customers for life. The Forty Plus Entrepreneur: How to Start a Successful Business in Your 40's, 50's and Beyond Contrary to popular mythology, entrepreneurship is not spearheaded mostly by baby-faced, technology-savvy post adolescents whose brands include Facebook and Apple. According to a recent study, fully 80 percent of all businesses are started up by people over 35. In this book from Gary, you'll discover:
Crystal Clear Communication: How to Explain Anything Clearly in Speech or Writing MAKE AN IMPACT WITH "CRYSTAL CLEAR COMMUNICATION" that's precise and clear goes far beyond the spoken or written word - it actually changes lives! In this book, you'll find the tools, the techniques, and, just as importantly, the unflinching confidence to influence people decisively - both at work and at home. Use it at work to command attention, to lead your team, to drive your point home. Use it at home to strengthen your marriage, improve your friendships, and simply become a better parent. You will learn:
Become a great communicator and change your life – now! The Law of Large Numbers: How to Make Success Inevitable Apply this incredible law to every area of your life. While the law of large numbers has been applied to fields such as math and science for several decades, its power has just recently begun to be applied to the fields of business and personal growth. Today, people from all walks of life are using the law of large numbers to achieve their highest objectives, with great confidence and complete peace of mind. Now, Gary has created a full-scale program showing you how to apply this incredible law to every area of your life. Learn:
About the Author: DR. GARY S. GOODMAN is the best-selling author of more than 25 books and audiobooks and is an internationally renowned keynote speaker and Fortune 1000 consultant. G&D MEDIA is a leading publisher of print books and e-books in personal development and business. Each of its titles empowers you to open your mind and expand your horizons under the guidance of a bestselling author or established self-development thought leader. G&D Media is distributed to the trade by Two Rivers Distribution, a division of Ingram Content Group. More about G&D Media can be found at: www.ganddmedia.com The Gary Goodman series from G&D Media Stinkin' Thinkin': 37 Mental Mistakes, False Beliefs & Superstitions That Can Ruin Your Career & Your Life Stiff Them!: Your Guide to Paying Zero Dollars to the IRS, Student Loans, Credit Cards, Medical Bills, and More Inch By Inch It's A Cinch: How to Accomplish Anything, One Small Step at A Time Meta Selling: Helping People to Buy a New & Better Way The Forty Plus Entrepreneur: How to Start a Successful Business in Your 40's, 50's and Beyond Crystal Clear Communication: How to Explain Anything Clearly in Speech or Writing – Coming March 2019! The Law of Large Numbers: How to Make Success Inevitable Also coming in Summer 2019 from G&D Media – four more Gary Goodman paperbacks!! Selling is So Easy It's Hard: 77 Ways Salespeople Shoot Themselves in the Wallet How to Get Paid Far More that You Are Worth Pre-order today! 77 Best Practices in Negotiation Pre-order today! How To Create Your Own High Paying Job Now available as an eBook…paperback coming Summer 2019! Purchase or pre-order these books at all fine book retailers and online. For the eBook and digital versions, visit Apple (iBook or iTunes), Google Play and all the major digital platforms. Follow the full story here: https://przen.com/pr/33287656 Some lines in selling are simply golden.
They open doors and minds. They make people feel good. They refute the myth that being completely unscripted is a virtue in selling. I'm going to share one with you, right now, but before I do, I want you to promise that you’ll tell me how well it works for you. Call someone, mention your name and your company, and then add this line: “And the reason I'm calling is I have a little problem on my hands and I was hoping you might help me out." Then, say nothing--not a peep. You're likely to hear, "Well I don't know if I can, but I'll try!" An astonishing percentage of the time helping you is exactly what people do. We have this idea that folks are hostile and cloistered, but they’re willing to be friendly and open. Cooperation is ours, just for the asking. I'm going to leave you with this gem. It has made a ton of money for my clients, including in an outbound campaign we started two weeks ago. Let me know how you do with it! Like this idea? It is from Dr. Gary S. Goodman’s new book, Meta Selling: Helping People To Buy A New and Better Way. This article was originally published on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-have-little-problem-hoping-you-might-help-me-out-goodman/ Published on LinkedIn on January 31, 2018 When we study, one-on-one, with great individuals, groundbreaking people in any discipline, there is an exchange of essences that is magical in its power, and not the equal of any other educational experience. On those occasions we dwell in an “Ether of excellence.” This medium is vital to the chemistry of great teaching and great learning. And it has been, since Socrates taught Plato, and Aristotle instructed Alexander. -Dr. Gary S. Goodman Waiting for a train from London to Edinburgh, I spotted a book kiosk and ambled over. “DRUCKER” announced one cover in outsized print. Leafing through it, I was captivated. I lucked upon a section called “The Fallacy of Creativity,” which instantly resonated for me. It says the best ways to do a job are not intuitively obvious. And contrary to what the employee empowerment ethos maintains, those closest to the work are least capable of discovering improvements. What a find! As a widely engaged consultant, this seemed to be a full-employment rationale for folks like me. Consultants are precisely NOT close to the work. From afar, we bring perspective and a fresh frame to what could be in plain sight but still invisible to those in the fray of the everyday. (Ideally, we hail from very, very far away, and then our ideas are embraced with awe and sincere appreciation. As a journalist once quipped, “A consultant is an ordinary person from more than 100 miles away.”) I read the final pages of DRUCKER and noted he was a professor at Claremont Graduate University, which was about 50 miles from where I lived at the time: Commuting distance! World renowned and super-successful, was it possible he was still teaching? I phoned and to my delight he was. I studied with him over the course of two and one-half years, earning an MBA in the process. I took every class with him that became available and we got to know each other. On Saturday afternoons, I served as his unofficial chauffeur from campus back to his home. He learned of my work and thought enough of it to recommend me to his consulting clients. And naturally, we had some great, memorable chats. I read everything I could get my hands on that he authored, including his not widely known novel, The Temptation To Do Good. As you can imagine, I have volumes-worth of quotes from his classes and books. But these are a very small measure of Peter F. Drucker's contribution. Most significant is the face-time we invested in each other. When we study, one-on-one, with great individuals, groundbreaking people in any discipline, there is an exchange of essences that is magical in its power, and not the equal of any other educational experience. On those occasions we dwell in an “Ether of excellence.” This medium is vital to the chemistry of great teaching and great learning. And it has been, since Socrates taught Plato, and Aristotle instructed Alexander. I’ve sought out thought leaders in various topical areas with whom to study, including Donald C. Bryant, in Communication, and Albert Ellis, in Psychology. In each case, the chemistry works. I find myself in a state of heightened receptivity, not unlike a learning-trance, where I invite in new information and theories. And I’m transformed, renewed, motivated, and my own creativity is accelerated. Studying with the greats is a gift for a lifetime. I wholeheartedly recommend you give it to yourself. You, too, might be lucky enough to become a chauffeur. Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a dynamic keynote speaker, seminar leader, and the best-selling author of more than 20 books and audio books. Gary’s programs have been hosted by corporations and trade associations around the world. He can be reached directly at: [email protected] or at (818) 970-GARY (818-970-4279). Comments on Dr. Gary S. Goodman’s article Ronald Bell The lineage continues — I had the pleasure of engaging Gary to work with me in setting up telemarketing for a Xerox group selling high end ERP solutions. Within six months, we were sourcing half of the prospects in the pipeline, a stunning growth!! When you really excel at something, like Gary, he makes it look easy, even magical. While my experience with Gary is perhaps only a sliver of his experience with Peter Drucker, it has stayed with me a lifetime. Thank you for sharing. Forget About Miles, Simply Go The Extra INCH, Says Best-Selling Author & Professional Speaker, Dr. Gary S. Goodman
*** Everyone has heard the age-old rah-rah cheerleading: Think Big! Aim High! Shoot For The Moon! Dr. Gary Goodman says these shout-outs sound good and feel good but they don’t work. Listeners leave events and immediately bite off more than they can chew. Then, equating a lack of instant achievement with failure, they give-up, retreat emotionally, and end up being worse off than when they started. Instead of going the extra mile, we should be going the extra INCH, Gary says, because Inch By Inch It’s A Cinch, but Yard By Yard It’s Hard. Gary is a dynamic keynote speaker and best-selling author of more than 20 books and audiobooks. He has walked the walk as a top salesperson, negotiator, corporate consultant, private coach, and media personality. Now you can hear him talk the talk, inspiring you and your associates to take that next small step leading to a giant leap in success. Gary’s new keynote speech, seminar, book, and audio book, Inch By Inch It’s A Cinch: How To Accomplish Anything One Small Step At A Time, will show you to how to get more done in less time with fewer setbacks by reining in your runaway ambition, going instead for small victories that add up fast. No matter what you do for a living, you’ll benefit right away from this vital information. You’ll overcome procrastination, break through shyness, set better goals, cycle through experiences faster, and achieve more success than you ever imagined. You’ll even improve your social life. You’ll leave with an answer to the all-important question, the key to unlocking extraordinary personal and personal productivity: “What should I do, next?” If you or the people that you work with or live with are stuck, doing the same-old things while getting the same-old results, this program will change your lives. |
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